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What Should I Do if I Have an Ant Problem in My Kitchen?

July 18, 2022 Ants
What Should I Do if I Have an Ant Problem in My Kitchen?

Ants can commonly be seen marching up tree trunks or across the yard with persistence and precision. But if a trail of ants shows up in your kitchen, knowing how to address an indoor ant problem can be difficult. Killing the ants you see will not prevent the multitude of ants who continue to stream back into your home through their decided route. Discovering what is drawing the ants into your home and where their nest is located are two big factors that can help you eliminate your big ant problem in your kitchen. You can work to prevent ants from wanting to come in, but if the ants continue to invade your home, calling in a pest professional can exterminate these persistent pests immediately.

Basic prevention

Keeping a tidy home is the best way to keep ants out of your house.  To prevent ants from entering your kitchen:

  • Use an all purpose cleaner to wipe down surfaces and countertops.
  • Sweep up crumbs or use a wet rag to wipe up sticky spots from surgery drink spills or honey.
  • Caulk around windows and door frames. Ants can enter through tiny cracks so checking for small entry points will help keep ants from coming in.
  • Keep food in airtight containers.
  • Spray white vinegar around possible entry points to deter ants from entering.

What attracts ants?

Ants use pheromones to leave a scent trail for all their fellow ants to find and follow. If they find something they want to eat, such as sugar, honey, or fruit, they will soon set up a trail along your kitchen floor or even across the wall to the source of food. But it isn’t just a matter of not dropping crumbs on the floor of your kitchen. Other places in your kitchen that can also attract ants are:

  • Leaky pipes under the sink, or constant wetness around the refrigerator ice dispenser can attract ants.
  • If you have indoor pets, you may feed your pets in the kitchen, essentially leaving out food for ants.
  • If you have stored food that is not in airtight containers, like a cereal box, for example, ants may find the ultimate food source in your pantry.

If ants have already established a desire to be in your homes and closing up entry points fails to stop the ants from entering, a trusted pest professional can easily treat the ants in and around your home so they no longer become a problem inside your house. By eliminating ant nests or mounds, an ant control service can stop the flow of ants into your home. For northern New Jersey residents, a name you can trust to eliminate every last ant from your residence is Abarb Pest Services. Give Abarb Pest Services a call today.

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