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If I See a Spider in My Home Should I Be Worried There Are More?

If I See a Spider in My Home Should I Be Worried There Are More?

Spiders can be very useful as they cut down on the insect population around your home. But having a spider in your house is not a comforting thought. Female spiders can lay thousands of eggs in a single egg sac so having one around can easily lead to a population boom. Though it is possible for all those baby spiders to stick around, without a reliable food source, most of the spiders will likely leave in search of food.

Spiders do not live in nests with other spiders. They are lone hunters. You should not be worried if you see a single spider in your home. But it is possible to have a spider infestation and there are key signs to look for to indicate that you don’t simply have just one spider creeping along your floors.

Signs of infestation

There is a big difference between a spider infestation and having multiple spiders in your home. Just because you see more than one spider does not mean you have a serious spider problem.

 Though it is important for you to keep an eye out for signs of infestation, such as:

Webs: Most spiders build some sort of web and if you have one spider in your home, you also will likely have a web somewhere in the house. But in an infestation situation, you will have multiple webs around your light fixtures, in the corners of the ceiling, behind doors, and across windows. If you take down the webs and they reappear within a few days, you may have an infestation.

Spiders: Seeing spiders when you have an infestation may seem like common sense. But spiders are expert hiders. You may have multiple spiders in your home and never see them except on the occasion. But if you are seeing several spiders every day, this should definitely get your attention that you may have a spider problem.

Egg sacs: Where there are spiders breeding, there will be egg sacs. These round sacs made by the mother spider could be filled with hundreds, even thousands, of eggs. The sac protects the eggs until they hatch. If you find a few of these egg sacs tucked away in your curtains or hanging in the mother’s web, you can expect to have a number of new spiders crawling around your home.

Molted or shed spider skins: Because spiders have to shed their skin in order to grow, you may find multiple molted skins lying around your home if you have a spider infestation. You may think they are dead spiders but if you look closely, you will see that it is just their exoskeletons.

Call a professional

Seeing a spider or two in your home does not indicate that you have a spider infestation. But if you want to eradicate any eight legged critters from your home, infestation or not, calling in a professional pest control service will eliminate every last one.

If you are in Passaic County, give Abarb Pest Services a call today.

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