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How Do I Know If My Home Has Termites?

April 03, 2023 Termites
How Do I Know If My Home Has Termites?

Just the thought of having termites in one’s home can cause one to shudder with aversion. Termites are tiny insects which feed on wood and other cellulose-based materials and can cause extensive damage to the structure of a home if left unchecked. Unfortunately, termites can be difficult to detect, and many homeowners are unaware that they have a termite infestation until significant damage has already been done. Luckily, this article will help you determine some clear signs that can indicate your home has termites.

Mud Tubes

The first sign of a termite infestation is often the presence of small, mud-like tubes on the home’s exterior. Termites use these tubes to travel between the ground and the wood in the home’s structure. They can be found on walls, foundations, and other areas where the wood in the house comes into contact with the ground.

Blistering Wood

One of the main signs of an infestation is blistering wood, which occurs when termites create tunnels and cavities beneath the surface of the wood. This causes pressure and raises small bumps, or blisters, on the surface of the wood. Homeowners should inspect for blistering wood around window frames and door frames as this is typically where termite activity begins.


Another sign of a termite infestation is the presence of winged termites, also known as swarmers. These termites are larger than worker termites and have two pairs of wings. They are often seen near windows and doors and are most active during spring and summer. They also will often leave their discarded wings behind.

Hollow Sounds

Another common signs of a potential termite infestation is a hollow sound when tapping on wood in your home or business. This hollow sound is caused by termites eating out the interior of wooden structures, weakening it over time. It’s important to be vigilant and investigate any occurrence of this phenomenon as soon as possible, as an unchecked infestation can result in costly repairs or even structural damage down the line.

Detecting Termites

  • Visually
    If you suspect that your home has termites, it is vital to have a professional inspect the property as soon as possible. A professional termite inspector will be able to identify the type of termite and the extent of the infestation and recommend a course of treatment.
  • Specialized Tools
    In addition to visual inspections, termite inspection may include specialized tools such as moisture meters, infrared cameras, and listening devices. Moisture meters can detect the presence of moisture in wood, which is an indication of a termite infestation. Infrared cameras can detect the presence of termites behind walls and in other hidden areas. Finally, listening devices can be used to detect the sound of termites eating wood.
  • Baiting
    Another effective way to detect termites is through termite baiting. Termite baits are placed in the ground around the home and are designed to attract termites. Once the termites have consumed the bait, they will take it back to the colony, thereby eliminating the colony.
  • Regular Inspections
    It is important to note that termites can be present in a home for years without being detected. Therefore, it is essential to have regular termite inspections, especially if you live in an area where termites are known to be a problem.

In conclusion, termite infestation is a serious problem that can cause significant damage to your home. If you suspect your home has termites, it’s essential to seek professional help to identify and address the issue as quickly as possible. Abarb Pest Services can provide the expertise and experience needed to eliminate termites from your property successfully. So call them today!

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