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How Do I Get Rid of Mosquitoes from My Yard?

How Do I Get Rid of Mosquitoes from My Yard?

Mosquitoes thrive in the cool morning and evening air. Just as you come out to enjoy your yard before it heats up in the middle of the day, you are swarmed by blood-sucking mosquitoes. After you are finally driven back inside because of the incessant biting, it’s obvious that you must get rid of mosquitoes if you are ever going to enjoy your yard again. There are several ways to create an environment that is not hospitable to mosquitoes. But the best sure fire way to prevent mosquitoes from taking over your yard is to have a professional pest control service spray a barrier around your yard, keeping the mosquitoes out for good.

Keeping mosquitoes away

Everyone knows that you can spray on a little insect repellent to keep the mosquitoes at bay. But to have that distinctive, pungent smell of repellent on you at all times would certainly get old pretty quick. When it comes to your yard, you want to be able to sit on the back porch to sip coffee or check your garden vegetables without having to wear a hazmat suit. If you want to keep  mosquitoes from entering your yard, start close to the house and work your way out. Always take special note of any stagnant water on your property. This is an ideal breeding location for mosquitoes. You can prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your yard by draining water from these spots.

Light citronella candles on the patio or porch as soon as you go outside or if you have a fan installed under your porch, flip it on.  You can also begin planting beautiful, mosquito repelling plants around your primary outdoor spaces. If planting them in the ground is not a good idea because you are a renter or if the ground is not suitable, there are several plants that thrive in pots while keeping mosquitoes away. Try planting herbs like:

  • Basil
  • Mint
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon balm
  • Thyme

And flowering plants like:

  • Geraniums
  • Marigolds
  • Lantana
  • Lavender

Eliminating mosquitoes in your yard

Further from your most frequented areas, the best way to get rid of mosquitoes is to hire a professional pest control company to treat your yard. By fogging around the perimeter of your yard, any mosquitoes that land on foliage for a rest or to escape the heat of the day, will be exterminated on the spot. Every female mosquito is capable of laying close to a hundred eggs after she bites you. Every adult mosquito killed can result in a less and less mosquito ridden yard until you can finally exit your home and peacefully enjoy your yard without a trace of mosquitoes buzzing around.

For Northern New Jersey residents, give Abarb Pest Services a call to begin making your yard an oasis away from the itchy bites of mosquitoes.

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