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Don’t bring bed bugs home during your summer travels

Don’t bring bed bugs home during your summer travels

With summer just around the corner, millions of Americans are about to head out on vacation. While sunburns and lost luggage are common worries, bed bugs are the most important thing to watch out for. Bed bugs like to feed on humans and are known for tagging along in luggage or clothing. To prevent bed bugs from returning home from a vacation, follow these prevention tips. 

Inspect the Hotel 

One of the best ways to prevent bed bugs is to make sure that the hotel is not infested. On entering the hotel room, travelers should remove the sheets and check the seams of the mattress. Bed bugs may appear at the corners or on the sheets. They may look like black spots, and the adults will look like an apple seed. After checking the bed sheets, look at the headboard and on any furniture. 

If anything appears suspicious, tell the hotel management and change rooms. When the entire hotel is infected, change hotels. Even if there are no bed bugs present, place the suitcases and luggage in the bathroom. Bed bugs are least likely to live in the bathroom, so this is the safest place for any suitcases that will be returning hoe. Placing the suitcase in a plastic bag can also prevent bed bugs from gaining access. 

Vacuum the Suitcase 

On returning home, individuals should vacuum their suitcase thoroughly. A garment steamer can also help to remove any eggs or bed bugs. Afterward, make sure to dispose of anything in the vacuum before returning it to the house. 

Washing Clothes 

In addition to vacuuming the suitcase, individuals should wash and dry all of their clothes. Even unworn clothes can harbor bed bugs, so everything must be washed before it can be put back in the dresser. Using hot water in the washer and high heat in the dryer will also help to kill any bed bugs. 

Signs That Your Home May Be Infected 

If bed bugs returned home from a trip, fecal stains and shed skins may appear on furniture in the home. Bed bug fecal stains may look like dark brown or black stains. Individuals may also have blood stains on their sheets or clothing following a bite. Bed bug bites are one of the most common signs of an infestation, but these bites look like many other bug bites. 

Once a home is infected, bed bugs are notoriously difficult to remove. To prevent bed bugs and exterminate an infestation, contact Abarb Pest Services. No matter how large the infestation is, we can help you to remove the bed bugs or other pests. Call or e-mail Abarb Pest Services today to find out how we can help you with pest control.

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