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Cockroach Control in Passaic County

October 31, 2022 Cockroach
Cockroach Control in Passaic County

Having a cockroach problem is more than just a nuisance. Cockroaches can bring all sorts of harmful diseases into your Passaic County home if left unchecked. E. Coli, listeria, and salmonella are all diseases that cockroaches carry and a whole host of other bacteria has been found in the stomachs of cockroaches from the things they eat. They spend their days slinking through garbage, toilet bowls, and sewers only to enter your home and scurry across your countertops and over your food, leaving a trail of bacteria wherever they go. If you see a cockroach in your home, just knowing the possibility of what harmful diseases they are carrying into your space can make you shudder.


You never have just one cockroach for long in Passaic County or anywhere else. Keep an alert eye out for signs of infestation before and after you actually see a cockroach.

  • Exoskeletons collected in one area can be a clear sign of an infestation. Like other insects, cockroaches have an exoskeleton that they have to shed in order to grow. If you find multiple exoskeletons, you will know you have a cockroach infestation, and every one of them is growing well.
  • Smear marks on walls and along the wall- floor junctions are also something to look for. Cockroaches often hang out in wet, damp areas in the home. If the cockroaches are very active in one area, they scurry through water, and leave brown, smear marks on surfaces.
  • Casings called ootheca contain a number of eggs laid by cockroaches. Some contain about 14 while others can carry 50. You may not find the eggs when searching for signs of cockroaches, but it is very possible to find the ootheca left behind after the eggs hatch.
  • Droppings are another clear sign of cockroaches. Although they are tiny droppings, because the number of cockroaches can so quickly get out of hand, there can be a good number of droppings in one place so you may notice them.

Calling in a professional

For the cockroaches you see running around your home as well as the number of cockroaches in the walls laying more eggs every day, hiring a pest professional will completely eliminate every last one. A professional pest control technician will thoroughly inspect your home and begin treating areas where cockroaches are highly active and will bring the insecticide back to their nests. Hiring a pest control company that keeps the safety of your children and pets at the forefront of all of their treatment plans will give you an added comfort that the cockroach infestation will be eliminated while avoiding bringing harmful chemicals into your home that could affect your family.

For the best cockroach control in Passaic County, give the professionals at Abarb Pest Services a call today.

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